In Parallel | Bolinas Museum


In Parallel: Windy Chien and Serena Mitnick-Miller

Two-person exhibition at the Bolinas Museum in Bolinas, CA in 2019

The Works

Windy Chien, Crown (Oval), 2019. Nylon webbing, steel.

66 x 18 x 6 in

Windy Chien, Crown (Arch), 2019. Nylon webbing, steel.

51 x 18 x 6 in

Windy Chien, Circuit Board, 2019. Cotton rope, thread, walnut.

60 x 60 x 1 in

Windy Chien, Four Spinal Columns, 2019, Cotton rope, natural dyes, plywood.

60 x 12 x 2 in each


Artist: Windy Chien
Photographer: Cesar Rubio