I Am The Wheel II | Domaine de Boisbuchet

I Am The Wheel II

39 x 84 x 84 in

Cotton rope, steel

Created at Domaine de Boisbuchet for a “Week of Knots” workshop in Lessac, France in August 2022

Creating I Am The Wheel II

Domaine de Boisbuchet is the internationally-reputed cultural center, ongoing experiment in placemaking, and chateau residence of Alexander von Vegesack, founding director of the Vitra Design Museum.

In this weeklong workshop, participants had the opportunity to learn the art of knot tying. Knots are artifacts of human ingenuity: an ancient technology predating the wheel and use of fire. And each is a perfectly designed object. To the intersection of function, mathematics, and history where knots reside, my practice introduces aesthetics to illuminate what’s most fascinating about them: “the journey of the line”. 

As I explained how a line’s journey creates strength and meaning in each knot, I also detailed my own creative journey — starting with the yearlong project carried out in 2016 to learn a new knot each day into an overview of my current body of work. 

During the first days of the workshop, participants learned several knotting techniques, then built upon the skills we learned to create beautiful and functional objects, culminating in a group-created large knot installation that now resides on the Boisbuchet grounds.

Workshop attendees gained knowledge of the history and utility of various knots, new knot-tying skills, and the story of why it’s never too late to start living a creative life.


Artist: Windy Chien
Frame Engineering & Fabrication: Domaine de Boisbuchet